GSBC 2018 WEEK #6 : Green mind and green kitchen

18 MAY 2018

Part # 1 : Psychology of Sustainable cities

Marije van Gent from HvA gave a presentation on psychology for sustainable cities.

She started with an explanation of two systems of  brain and made us think green at the end of her presentation.

Marije van Gent presenting  psychology of sustainable cities

System 1 of brain is fast, instinctive and emotional. 

System 2 of brain is slow, more deliberative and more logical. 

These systems decide indirectly how green we behave:

  • Classifying waste appropriately

  • Closing the tap while brushing teeth

  • Using bike for work 

  • Eating less meat

System 2 tells us to do the right thing in most cases, but sometimes, we fall prey to peer pressure, ignorance and rush of the daily routine.

Measuring green attitude is tricky! Marije suggested to have an activity log and giving ourselves scores for doing something green. E.g. riding bike to work earns you 1 point per day. buying new pair of jeans should deduct 5 points, because it takes around 1,800 gallons of water to grow enough cotton to produce just one pair of regular blue jeans.

One of Marije’s students had a presentation who researched about  classification of waste at canteens, workplaces was an eye-opener. Some coffee cups are not easily compostable but they are often found in the compost bin.

Part #2 : Vegan cooking workshop

Desiree from the vegan food blog led the workshop. She had four recipes out of which 3 were chosen: Red curry, Green curry and Naans.

Vegan Cooking in progress!

I volunteered to lead the Naan-team. It was amazing to see everyone working in teams for cutting veggies, adding spices to curries, making doughs and even rolling and roasting of Naans. We all cooked food for about 20-25 people. And it was delicious.

Recipe of Naan/Roti:

1. Buy volkoren (whole grain) wheat flour

2. Add salt, water and knead it

3. Add a spoon of oil to make it softer

4. Make small balls

5. Roll the ball with a proper roller using extra flour (so that dough does not stick to the roller)

6. Roast on a frying pan without oil

7. Apply butter when it’s hot (optional)

8. Serve with curry/wrap some salad in it.

The Naan team!

[… to be continued]

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