GSBC 2018 Week #3 : A-Maze-ing Field work

Friday 20th April 2018

We began the day with a presentation from Arthur who took us through his journey of Sunflower plantation. We got know a few types of Sunflowers (Mongolian sunflowers that are big and tall, Teddy bear Sunflowers that are fluffy.. )

He also shared with us his experience of turning a soccer field into a sunflower maze!

He then opened the floor for sunflower maze ideas: we could draw field shapes on a whiteboard.

Sunflower maze designs

After a few drawings, we voted for the best design and started implementing it immediately.

We had a bunch of shovels, wooden sticks, a roll of strings. We split into teams of 2 and 3. Some of us volunteered to clean-up the field, others volunteered to mark the circular shape with wooden sticks and I along with a few others started digging along the marked shape. The idea was to kill the grass and give the prospective Sunflowers more change to grow.  The sun was shining in the Green Living Lab and we didn’t mind sweating and getting tired in a good way.

(Wo)men at work

After enough digging, we sowed sunflower seeds and watered them.  Some volunteers  got us nice icy popsicles and cold water and it tasted sweeter because of the efforts we all had put in, on the field.

As usual we concluded the day with an amazing vegan delight made by Aveen and her team.

(… to be continued)

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